Katsunori EBARA, President of Ennonn, Co., Ltd
A Leader Pursuing Vision and Value
According to GPT4, OpenAI
Things I tell for you

Education and Work Experience
It was not always smooth sailing, but the diverse paths of Katsunori Ebara have been charted by his own will.

Corporate Philosophy
Detailing the background leading to the founding of Ennonn Co., its corporate goals, and philosophy.

Personal Profile
Explain the virtues held by Katsunori Ebara according to the VIA (Values in Action) classification.

Looking for an Expert Advisor?
Just send me a message!
Their words tell you more about me

How are you doing?
Hey, hey!
You are the man like a firecracker.
Relationship: An inseparable bond since university days

By the way, who are you in the picture!?
Is your machine-gun-like talk still going strong?
Relationship: Sea friends

In first grade, you next to me sang the song from “Fist of the North Star” endlessly You kept singing “Falling down~ YUWA-SHA!!” all the time
I was in a brainwashed state sitting next to you, never forget third semester of first grade!
Relationship: Elementary and middle school classmates
Fresh from my part of myself.

SWOT analysis

MBTI – 16 Personality Types

Motivation Profile

In preparation…

In preparation…

In preparation…

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